This is just the beginning…..

This is just the beginning…..
Name: Khristen Rose
Pronouns: She/her, They/them
Instagram: khaoticrose

My name is Khristen. I came out as a Transgender female in May of 2017. Throughout my transition, I’ve met or come in contact with a lot of humans that were not so kind. I’ve been called every name you could thing of and then some that you can’t. Sure, this got me down and at my lowest point, I thought this would be the end. But I knew I had to fight, I knew I had to stay resilient, I had to be a better human. I decided that instead of getting angry when other humans used the wrong pronouns, I would stay kind, wish them a good day and continue on. Life is full of ups and downs, the way you handle it determines how your life will pan out. I choose to do more good, spread kindness and awareness and be a good human.

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